How can diesel engines be more fuel efficient?(二)


Fuel saving of diesel engines has always been an important part of cost saving, and it can also effectively improve the efficiency and service life of diesel engines. In the previous article, we have explained five points about diesel engine fuel-saving methods and precautions, and the next is the remaining, and also very effective methods.

6)Adjust the fuel injection pressure of the fuel injector. For example, the fuel injection pressure (12.0+0.05) MPa of the fuel injector of the 195 diesel engine, when the fuel injection pressure is lower than 10.0MPa, the fuel consumption will increase by 10~20g/(kW.h), the comparison method can be used to check and adjust the injection pressure. The pressure on the oil pump.

7)Regularly check and maintain the air filter element. If the air filter element is too dirty, the air intake will be insufficient. The result is the same as the incorrect valve clearance effect. It will also lead to increased diesel engine fuel consumption, insufficient power and black smoke failure.

8)When the diesel engine is in use, try not to run at full high speed and full load as much as possible. Generally, diesel engines have an economical operating range. The rated speed is marked on the nameplate of the engine, and according to the analysis of the characteristic curve of the diesel engine, the speed for the best economic operation is about 85% of the rated speed. At this time, the power/hour fuel consumption is the lowest in the entire speed range. The diesel engine tachometer is marked with a green area, which is generally the economic operation area of the diesel engine.

9)Cooling water temperature control. Too low or too high water temperature will cause serious harm to diesel engines. When the water temperature is too low during operation, the matching clearance of the moving parts of the diesel engine will change greatly from the design clearance, which will increase the running resistance and severely accelerate the wear of the diesel engine. (For example, when the water temperature is lower than 30℃, it is more than 5 times of normal wear and tear, which will increase fuel consumption by 15%). If the water temperature is too high, it will cause the diesel engine to overheat, change the gap of each part, cause a series of problems such as oil pressure drop, piston sticking to the cylinder, power drop, etc. It is recommended to keep the water temperature running in the range of 80~90℃.

10) Install a diesel engine preheating device on the diesel engine. Using diesel engines in winter, in order to save oil and reduce energy consumption, the diesel engine is preheated through the exhaust pipe to increase the temperature of the diesel and reduce the viscosity of the diesel, so that the diesel is atomized and burned sufficiently. This can significantly reduce fuel consumption by 5% ~10%. The best temperature range for diesel preheating is 66~75℃, and the effect is the best.